Synchronizing music and arts and digitization of great talents – a wonderful surprise!

Synchronizing music and arts and digitization of great talents – a wonderful surprise!

Post contributed by authors from 

I couldn’t believe my eyes for some seconds when I read that different artistic works, masterpieces in themselves, with a blend of great music numbers by famous musicians, will be shared in the Kathmandu International Art Festival.

 I was far more astonished to know that internationally acclaimed artist Karl Hyde is also taking part in the interactive performance which is based on the KIAF’s theme : Mind, Body, Earth. Do you know- Karl Hyde served as the music director for the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games? Wow!

I felt really good to know that even some famous Nepali band amongst Nepali enthusiasts, one of them being NIGHT, will be sharing the stage during the festival.

 As this Festival has become the talk of the town, I m getting more enthusiastic about keeping myself updated with every mere activities expected to happen during the Festival. My search for information paved the road to one of the pages where it says that ‘Gaynor O'Flynn and the being human collective invites to participate in the interactive live art piece by tweeting/facebooking one’s idea of Mind, Body, Earth, the theme of the entire festival. Please tweet your words and then use #beinghuman and share your twitter link on the wall so that we can include you on the art piece.’

 I feel it’s an interesting and encouraging platform that they have set to share one’s thought on art piece.

 With modernized technology some artists will even telecast series of films, some made from using modul8 software and others made those by the participants. Between digital art and performance, an attraction of the festival, as proclaimed has caught my attention.

 All in all, the Festival, as heard, will be a flowing event that involves the attendees to not only move around the venue but also interact with the art itself.

 Art admirers/creators what are we thinking of? Let’s live the art.



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