A memoir to Windows discontinuing support for XP

A memoir to Windows discontinuing support for XP

Technology is not my field of expertise. But when I first heard this news this morning while listening to the Economist podcast, my routine dose of current affairs in politics, environment, economy and technology, I could not hold a thought for writing this post (on the eve of a big midterm).
Windows XP Shutting down one last time
On my early 20s (oh I already feel so old), I remember the first time I touched a computer at my cousins' place and was curious how it would operate. It was running on Windows 98 and I everyone was around the computer doing nothing fancy (waiting for the device to start which was soooooo different than a television). I did not own a PC until I was in high school. And my very own first PC ran on Windows XP and had a flat screen instead (imagine how recent it was).
Microsoft to discontinue support for Windows XP from Tuesday

So obviously when I heard about Windows was closing the curtains on Windows XP stopping all the updates and assistance starting tomorrow, Tuesday, April 8th 2014  I had mixed feelings. But this day had to come. But like the light at the end of the tunnel, it will send out the security updates for few more months. I was a little nostalgic remembering those days. For many of you your first laptops might have run on this version if you owned a laptop around 6-7 years ago. (Not)Cheap laptops were released in abundance in the market making it a very popular choice.

According to Economist, around 30 percent of PCs still use this version of windows, which is the most successful venture for Windows running it for 12 years now. In addition lots of ATMs, up to 95 percent, operate under this system. This officially invites these technology to migrate into better ones. But it is definitely going to hang around for a while. The problems might be that newer software might not run and once they stop the security updates, it will be very vulnerable to threats, unless you just want to keep it away from the internet just to play some stupid games viz. Need For Speed II, Road Rash, Vice City, etc. like I did. One thing is for sure it was a great company for most of us.
Latest of the Windows XP; Service Pack 3

Everyone has a sweet memories of the time when you, as a kid, had more time to play outside in the dirt, rather than spending numbers of hours on computer basically wasting time. But if you have memories of big annoying UPS, and volt guard,  and computers that takes the entire table space usually covered by a large sheet when not in use it is highly likely that your device ran this version of operating system. This is your identity  of being a youth of today.

Have a great read. I am back to studying now.

+Parash Upreti



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