Kiran Adhikari from St. Xaviers College selected as one of 5 winners to represent NEPAL at IOAA

National Astronomy Olympiad 2014 ( NAO-2014), first Astronomy Olympiad in Nepal, has finally selected its 5 winners who will participate in the 8th International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) during August in Suceava, Romania. NAO 2014 was launched in the month of January, 2014 and the applications were opened the same time by holding selection exam on March 22 where many participants from all across Nepal participated out of which 20 students were selected. Later in May,  Pre-Closed Camp was held with 12 students  participating and Closed Camp from June 1-7 where 5 winners - Ashirbad Acharya, Bibek Kumar Pandit, H C Regan Babu Bhatta, Kiran Adhikari and Prabesh Koirala selected through our closed camp to represent Nepal at IOAA with the Nepal delegation.

Here is what Kiran Adhikari has to share with +View Your Choice- तपाईको सोचाई हाम्रो रोजाई -
"Hi everyone, I am 19yrs old Kiran Adhikari born in Dhading. Ever since, I was a teenager, I tinkered with astrophysics and astronomy. It was my hobby, my passion and my way of learning. Like most kids, I also enjoyed reading biographies of Hawking, Einstein and Newton. By the time , I graduated High School, I knew I wanted to do astrophysics. From that point on, everything fell into place. My life resolved around it. 
Now , my ultimate aim is to become a successful theoretical physicist. 
I was extremely happy to hear about Astronomy Olympiad and thought I should get it. So, I worked hard for it. And finally, I got selected for International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA ) going to be held at Suceava, Romania where I will be representing Nepal. I think this will become my great ladder to climb my mountain and obviously I am so glad that this happiness is getting unable to expressed in few words. I am really so so happy. At the same time , I am also feeling responsible since I am going to represent my nation. I will try my best to give my best in Romania and keep my nation's pride up."

+View Your Choice- तपाईको सोचाई हाम्रो रोजाई - is the outreach partner of +National Astronomy Olympiad 2014 and will be sharing our conversation with all the five winners in our upcoming post.

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Photos from the Closed Camp

A Story inspires Many

Stories of self inspires many indeed. Sometimes when we see others doing some amazing thing be it act, dance, play, speech, song and even some inspiring feelings that you also go through the same feeling then it brings a u-turn in your life. 

We feel the same with Saugat Rajbhandaris (+augast99 on youtube ). 

Watch it :) And if you feel the same then do share it and also share your comments :)

How did it start ? 

Why did i blog it ?

I have always believed that its just a small push and it was that push that made this happen and we are PROUD of it. 

P.S. -
As the video and posts were public we felt that it won't be any issues with Saugat for us publishing it. We have already requested Saugat for it and he has allowed us with due permission. Thank you Saugat :) Thank you for this narrative story of yours. We thank you and #you both :) 

Blogged by youth activist and motivational trainer +Gaurav Kandel.  

Ashirbad Acharya from St. Xaviers College selected as one of 5 winners to represent NEPAL at IOAA

National Astronomy Olympiad 2014 ( NAO-2014), first Astronomy Olympiad in Nepal, has finally selected its 5 winners who will participate in the 8th International Olympiad in Astronomy and Astrophysics (IOAA) during August in Suceava, Romania. NAO 2014 was launched in the month of January, 2014 and the applications were opened the same time by holding selection exam on March 22 where many participants from all across Nepal participated out of which 20 students were selected. Later in May,  Pre-Closed Camp was held with 12 students  participating and Closed Camp from June 1-7 where 5 winners - Ashirbad Acharya, Bibek Kumar Pandit, H C Regan Babu Bhatta, Kiran Adhikari and Prabesh Koirala selected through our closed camp to represent Nepal at IOAA with the Nepal delegation.

Here is what Ashirbad Acharya has to share with +View Your Choice- तपाईको सोचाई हाम्रो रोजाई -
"I am Ashirbad Acharya, studying Science in St. Xavier’s College, on my quest of learning more. Always on the search for truth and perfection, I grew up helping and collaborating with each individual to move forward. My enthusiastic passion and knowledge of Science is proven by my 1st and 2nd rank in National Science and Mathematics Olympiad respectively. My success has come from trying to find an answer to a simple question “How does life exist?” Hence, I keep a keen interest in Biology, especially learning about working of life and its evolution. I also find the idea of life in another form, made up of different building blocks, maybe even different elements quite fascinating. 
The participation in the National Astronomy Olympiad was like a dream come true for me. I always gazed up in the sky amazed by the immenseness of the universe and felt that the secret lied there. Never did I believe in luck, but put a strong trust towards hard work which is my best ally. I believe, 
Think about what you can do, not what’s not in your hands.” 
I feel myself as a deserving candidate to represent my country in the International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics on account of my skills and previous accomplishments. I want to falsify the prevailing notion of poor countries like Nepal being poor in talent. By getting great rank, I wish to prove that curious and intelligent minds are also born in Nepal, just waiting for opportunity."

+View Your Choice- तपाईको सोचाई हाम्रो रोजाई - is the outreach partner of +National Astronomy Olympiad 2014 and will be sharing our conversation with all the five winners in our upcoming post.

 Keep subscribing and following us 

Photos from the Closed Camp


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