View Your Choice- तपाईको सोचाई हाम्रो रोजाई - is glad to dedicate Tenzin Tseten Bhutia's special section
Koffee hoina
kura kani ho with
Tenzin Tseten Bhutia
If you all remember our last blog earlier on "Tenzin Tseten Bhutia - TALK of THE TOWN" a lots and loads of queries came from Nepal and abroad, that really made us thrilled and excited too about featuring fashion on our blog on a unique perspective and we have had a lot of fashion gossips and features.
As stated above, this one will be special section of Tenzin indeed for all the fashion lovers. We will have your queries that are posted at Tenzin's - Koffee Hoina Kura Kani ho with Tenzin Tseten Bhutia facebook page
We will get them posted here :) May be days ahead we might have interesting things for you too . Here we go with this week's
Koffee hoina
kura kani ho with
Tenzin Tseten Bhutia
Question from Asha Grg
Hello sir..............dis is kirti 4m pokhara m a b.com graduate 4m varanasi india ..i ws in india since mah childhood ,last yr only m juss bck to pokhara spended 6months in new delhi .......
mah que 2u is- i;ve a deep keen interst in fashion ,style ,elegance n smwhere deep inside i olwys wntd 2b a known person so i wanna b a model n iknw i'll b (in a runwy of PRABAL GURUNG SHOW n urs too if u do consider me smbday ) , lst yr only i cm 2npl so i dont knw much abt da npli fashion industry peopl ,their contcts so plz do let me knw da 1st step 4m where i shuld strt mah modellin journey (i knw da basic crieteria,requiremnts ) .........
2nd gvme da names of sm gud modelling agencies n photographers based in ktm n around hw much it cost 4mak portfolio
3rd mah family background isn;t much wealthy to afford olwys lik 6inch high heels n 5000rs above eveng gowns so in dis industry i will hv 2quite struggle 2survive in dis high society bt no mattr i;ll do i'll listen da strings of mah dreams comi straight 4m mah heart ......ans me sir n if u dont mind will u pls hv a glance in my fb pics so dat u may get sm more ideas 2gv me ans n FEEDBACK of mah pic too.................ok sir waitin dis pokherli + indian kanchi ........ tk cr n olwys stay connctd
Tenzin Tseten Bhutia -
hello kirti... it took me almost an hour to go through ur question.... just kidding... and yes i did had a glance at your pic.. ur beautiful in your own way but to be a model u still need to brushen up a bit on your makeup technique.. i can see how keen ur into modelling and if destiny awaits then we will definitely work in future, for that update urself with all de audition happening in town, go for it, contact different fashion magazine in town like ecs living, vibes, navyaata, wave, vivacity and lot more for print modelling, thats where every model start their work... once ur picture are out in mag and all then people will notice u.....
coming to ur 2nd question, to be honest there is no such thing called agency in nepal, every model go their own way.. it alwaz a person to person contacts for shows...and about the photographers there are so many in k town.. for me its very hard to pick any one... they all are good friends and they all do an absolute amazing jobs... go and search for some good nepali photographer fb page or google it... that way i am out to trouble to pick only a name or two..... pricing ma che... it depends.. some do charge a lakh and fifty for one portfolio photoshoot and some does it for 20 thou as well.... but u do need a good make up artist as well which will cost ard say 7000 to 15000 and for styling ur clothes again the price varies.. but when i do styling i charge 20,000 only for one day...
ur third question - yes during the initial struggling period ma paisa karcha hunchan ali ali but if ur very good at what u do in terms of modelling then sometimes it happens that u dont even have to spend a penny... instead u get paid... but for that u have to have the absolute perfect everything ..body,beauty,confidence,walk, poses etc. etc. ...
hope i answered ur query.... have a great day :)
Question from P'ya Gurung
hey there, i am actually in a great dilemma... i was studying bba (4thsem) and then i got an offer to study fashion designing from a company. I am so confused now whether to drop bba and join B.FD or to continue bba and have diploma in fd... can yu plz give me some suggestions????
Tenzin Tseten Bhutia -
hello piya.... congratulation for getting an offer... since ur already doing bba.. i would suggest not to drop that course instead u can study side by side... u can take out time of hour or so and have diploma in fashion desinging course ... iec provide diploma course according to the convenient of ur time....like an hour or so in the morning or noon or even at evening time... so its convenient for u...
once ur done with ur diploma... and if u feel passionate about it then u can do full time 3 year graduation course for which institute like iec, namuna and lord buddha offers the course... i hope i answered ur queries.... ♥
Question from Pheonix Gurung
Hi dai how r u?,m phoenix grg 4rm btwl.remembered we met in btwl show?it was really nice meeting wid u.due 2 some reasons i didn't get 2 take class n ask questions wid u on da very first day.i've got sum questions in my mind n hope u'll help me!so my question goes lyk dis.......
as i haven't heard abt anyone,r there texture designers in nepal?becoz in order to get textured garments we had 2 rush either india or china as they r nearer 2 our country.as m good in arts,sketches m thinking 2 make my career as a texture designer bt m in doubt.can we make a gud career as a texture designer in fashion industry bcoz texture designing is not given so much imp. N also aren't involved in courses?
N my nxt question is:as we didn't find gud printed fabrics m thinking 2 make hand printed design 4 da upcoming show(not competition) i mean using fabric colors somthing lyk which represent the culture,civilization.....would dat luk gud if yes den which fabrics'll b appropriate i mean cotton,silk,satin,etc?
Tenzin Tseten Bhutia -
hello phoenix... first of all i wanna say that i had a great time in butwal... butwal people are so welcoming... i am overwhelmed by those gesture... coming to ur question.... yes we dont even have a proper and good textile designer in nepal... and if ur thinking to take that as a career then go for it.... i alwaz wanted a textile designer to work with....and i have mention in some of the interview that nepal needs a good textile designer... :)
hand printed fabric are the most rich and very much used in nepal... block prints and screen printing are very good to start with.... for the fabric.. start printing on cotton fabric because first thing its cheap and it absorbs the dye properly and its a natural fibre too.... and after u get confident abt it then go for raw silk and satin... in case if u come up with great design then send me some of the sample of fabric as well... :)
hope i answered ur query.... ;)
Question from Muna Gurung
can u please tell me the names of the best college for fashion designing in nepal esp in ktm..... and all da criteria to get admission
i mjst need to know if we can get adnission after our slc or we need to finish our +2
will be waiting for ur answer!!!
Tenzin Tseten Bhutia -
hello muna gurung....
there are three main institute for fashion designing in kathmandu i.e. iec, namuna college and lord buddha ... it will be nice if u visit all the three institute and decide it on ur own!!!
u have to finish ur plus 2 to get admission but some of the institute mentioned above take housewives as well who are interested in fashion as it says it better late than never ... and there is no criteria as such u just need to be passionate about the career ... thank u..... i hope ur queries been answered :)
Question from AasmIta Sakya
Hello dai, hw U doing?
Well I'm asmita frm pkr..right nw I'm doing my bachelors & besides it I've a keen interest in fashion designing..
I don't have any idea of designing courses, I mean kata bata start garne, k garne vanera thaha xhhaina..
Seeing Urs designed clothes as well as other designers, it really inspired me..
Everyone's got their own style likewise I too have my own..
I never follow d on going fashionable clothes which r in trend
In fact, I build up my own dressing sense so it may b a pulse point fo me which will b helpful in designing..
So frm where & how can I start learning d designing course?
I wana do designing course, afta completion of +2 bt didn't find anyone to consult abt it.
& nw I even can't leave my studies
Tenzin Tseten Bhutia
hello asmita... seems like ur passionate about designing and since u mentioned u have ur own kinda style.... so whether to know u are really up for the fashion desinging course... i would refer u to join a diploma course... and that too after finishing ur plus 2...
hello asmita... seems like ur passionate about designing and since u mentioned u have ur own kinda style.... so whether to know u are really up for the fashion desinging course... i would refer u to join a diploma course... and that too after finishing ur plus 2...
since ur from pokhara... i think there is only one institute who offer fashion designing there... it used to call iec before and now its called ifc.... if u can find the fb page or google it i am sure u will find some info......
all the best for future :) i hope i answered ur query ♥
All the answers are shared by Tenzin Tseten Bhutia with his new section Koffee hoina kura kani ho with Tenzin Tseten Bhutia
Get your queries posted to him at
View Your Choice- तपाईको सोचाई हाम्रो रोजाई - thanks Tenzin Tseten Bhutia for this special section. We are sure a lot of queries will come from home and abroad.
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