Travelling and photography has been my passion since long. when my colleagues planned the trek to Ghandruk I was the Happiest one because ,I have been hearing about this trek route and Ghandruk village since my childhood day and I always wanted to be there, this time I made my dream came true with my classmates and had a great time. Tour around Bandipur and Pokhara was bonus for me :)
Trek to Ghandruk provided me a good introduction to trekking and also offered the breathtaking view of sacred mountain Macchapuchhre (fishtail) and Annapurna south.
Ghandrung, now known as Ghandruk is a typical gurung village of Kaski district. Its a popular and short trek destination of Annapurna region from Pokhara.Ghandruk once was a prime place to recurit British Gurkha and Indian army now is the hub for Annaapurna conservation area project (ACAP). This beautiful village with orderly rows of neat slate-roofed houses which are clustered on the canyon wall amid a complicated network of terraces provides opportunity to observe the life style of local people who are very cooperative.
A wander round it will reveal shops tea houses,local people transporting goods from one village to next , innocent children,small farm houses and their families ,donkeys mules, chicken and many more.
here I present some of my photograph which I captured during my trek to Ghandruk.
The Macchapuchhre (Fishtail Mountain ) In the early morning from Ghandruk
Neonate Sun from Baraha temple Ghandruk
Slate roofed Houses at ghandruk
Annapurna south enjoying the sunrays
Majority of people in ghandruk follow Buddhism.
This boy was in hurry to meet his friends for school.
This is another culturally rich gurung village called landruk which is opposite to Ghandruk
village girl in ghandruk secretly watching strangers
I wanna Play mom
Ex-military man working at his home
Trekkers around
Lets take a break
Messi's wedding ;)
I spent great time exploring ghandruk.. :) If you haven't been there plan your next trip there.. :)
By : Nishant
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