mYktm, which functions as a gaming server, popular to gamers all around Nepal (and outside) for hosting first 24/7 Counter Strike(CS) 1.6 server, is a non registered organization set up by youths (all below 25) with a aim of promoting E-gaming in Nepal. The mYktm team, extremely passionate gamers met with the participants of Bal Utsav in an unique Youth Interactive Series held on 17th January, at AOL center, New Baneshowar.
Internet gaming (or e-gaming just like e-commerce) easily is the next genre of gaming- with loads of creative games available at your finger tips at nearly free of cost, it is sure to attract a lot of young minds.
Though internet was introduced in early 90s in Nepal, e gaming is still in its infant phase and with lack of legislation and proper promotion the initial crawl has not been that prominent. However, it is also true that there are a lot of young people very passionate about e-gaming; but those people are never supported by their family.
How does one convince their family?
“If you want to convince your parents that following your passion is not futile then you ought to show them the fruitful side that your passion yields” Prakash Banjara, member of mYktm server opined when asked by one of the participants how could one convince one’s parents that gaming on internet(the “e-gaming”) is not futile!

mYktm initally was an IRC server. It was founded in the year 2000. Two years later, In 2002, it was selected as the most user friendly website. In 2007, chat users at mYktm started playing Counter Strike for fun but Gaulochan Shah thought big about it and with the help of Gopal Raut, mYktm’s first online server in Nepal informally started in 2007 May and formally from 10th July 2010 with the support from World Link Communications. Only In short span of time they have laid out enough foundation for youths to look into as example and follow their love for e-gaming.
“Within these two years we have organized 3 CS tournaments which includes an Online tournament and two LAN tournament which saw a huge participation from the CS lovers.” Prakash pointed out.
The most recent of such tournament organized in the last week of December which saw participation of 32 team(with 5 members each i.e. 160 gamers). The winner of the tournament was awared with Rs.. 30000, (i.e. 6000 per player-see comparison with cricket below) second was awarded with Rs. 10000 and third with Rs. 5000.
“This was the biggest tournament of its kind based on number of participants and the cash prize” added Prakash.
In a country where the winners of the National Cricket Tournament (with 16 players in a squad, two coaches, and a manager) get only 150000(i.e around 7500 per person), and we are talking about a national tournament that happens once in a year; 6000 per player in the winning team gives glimpse of promising future for the sport.
“We wish to develop e-gaming in the country in such manner that one day people can take gaming as a profession” added Pranjal Raj Ghimire, one of the member of mYktm team, who started gaming just one and a half year back and according to his friends, in the series he is one of the best CS players in town. He cited examples of countries like Poland, Ukriane and Sweden where it’s normal to have a gaming as a profession.
“We wish to work for promoting e-gaming in an organized manner. We at also made an attempt to register e-gaming in National Sports Council but our attempts we pretty futile when we were told that you got to affiliation of certain international organization to be registered in the Council. However, we are looking for an affiliation.” Pointed out prakash when asked why is mYktm still a not registered as a organization.
At this moment National Sports Council of the country doesn’t count e-gaming as sport and the country has no laws regarding the governing of such gaming.
“Such lack of laws often draws negative canvass from people. One government official to our disappointment once without any logic equated gaming with gambling which is absolutely not true.” added Prakash in discontent.
“However it’s the same lack of consent of common people and related officials that makes us realize that we have a lot to work on”
mYktm team first came to the venue with 4 team members and this might come as a surprise 3 of them were girls. Two guys joined the team later on to equate the gender scenario; it gave a clear message to all the participants that e-gaming was not just guy’s game!
The team that set up mYktm server also has its own gaming crew(named obviously mYktm team) and is a household name in Nepalese gaming field competing and winning various gaming competition held in Nepal. A few are listed below
First Place in 3rd Amol Cyber Counter Strike 1.6 Tournament.
2) Third Place in Kurushetra Tournament.
3) First, Second, and Third position in First Pokhara CS Tournament.
4) First Place in 4th Amol Cyber Counter Strike 1.6 Tournament.
6) Second position in First MBush Tournament.
7) Third and Fourth position in mYktm Counter Strike tournament v2.0
If e gaming has the potentiality to be a professional sport what does it take to be a gamer?
mYktm team discussed a bit and answered unanimously in order of priority
1. Passion for the game
2. Practice
3. Patience
4. Determination
Arun Upreti is a aspiring writer, medical student, social activist and cricket enthusiast. He currently works as a news analyst in Cricnepal.
Internet gaming (or e-gaming just like e-commerce) easily is the next genre of gaming- with loads of creative games available at your finger tips at nearly free of cost, it is sure to attract a lot of young minds.
Though internet was introduced in early 90s in Nepal, e gaming is still in its infant phase and with lack of legislation and proper promotion the initial crawl has not been that prominent. However, it is also true that there are a lot of young people very passionate about e-gaming; but those people are never supported by their family.
How does one convince their family?
“If you want to convince your parents that following your passion is not futile then you ought to show them the fruitful side that your passion yields” Prakash Banjara, member of mYktm server opined when asked by one of the participants how could one convince one’s parents that gaming on internet(the “e-gaming”) is not futile!

mYktm initally was an IRC server. It was founded in the year 2000. Two years later, In 2002, it was selected as the most user friendly website. In 2007, chat users at mYktm started playing Counter Strike for fun but Gaulochan Shah thought big about it and with the help of Gopal Raut, mYktm’s first online server in Nepal informally started in 2007 May and formally from 10th July 2010 with the support from World Link Communications. Only In short span of time they have laid out enough foundation for youths to look into as example and follow their love for e-gaming.
“Within these two years we have organized 3 CS tournaments which includes an Online tournament and two LAN tournament which saw a huge participation from the CS lovers.” Prakash pointed out.
The most recent of such tournament organized in the last week of December which saw participation of 32 team(with 5 members each i.e. 160 gamers). The winner of the tournament was awared with Rs.. 30000, (i.e. 6000 per player-see comparison with cricket below) second was awarded with Rs. 10000 and third with Rs. 5000.
“This was the biggest tournament of its kind based on number of participants and the cash prize” added Prakash.
In a country where the winners of the National Cricket Tournament (with 16 players in a squad, two coaches, and a manager) get only 150000(i.e around 7500 per person), and we are talking about a national tournament that happens once in a year; 6000 per player in the winning team gives glimpse of promising future for the sport.
“We wish to develop e-gaming in the country in such manner that one day people can take gaming as a profession” added Pranjal Raj Ghimire, one of the member of mYktm team, who started gaming just one and a half year back and according to his friends, in the series he is one of the best CS players in town. He cited examples of countries like Poland, Ukriane and Sweden where it’s normal to have a gaming as a profession.
“We wish to work for promoting e-gaming in an organized manner. We at also made an attempt to register e-gaming in National Sports Council but our attempts we pretty futile when we were told that you got to affiliation of certain international organization to be registered in the Council. However, we are looking for an affiliation.” Pointed out prakash when asked why is mYktm still a not registered as a organization.
At this moment National Sports Council of the country doesn’t count e-gaming as sport and the country has no laws regarding the governing of such gaming.
“Such lack of laws often draws negative canvass from people. One government official to our disappointment once without any logic equated gaming with gambling which is absolutely not true.” added Prakash in discontent.
“However it’s the same lack of consent of common people and related officials that makes us realize that we have a lot to work on”
mYktm team first came to the venue with 4 team members and this might come as a surprise 3 of them were girls. Two guys joined the team later on to equate the gender scenario; it gave a clear message to all the participants that e-gaming was not just guy’s game!
The team that set up mYktm server also has its own gaming crew(named obviously mYktm team) and is a household name in Nepalese gaming field competing and winning various gaming competition held in Nepal. A few are listed below
First Place in 3rd Amol Cyber Counter Strike 1.6 Tournament.
2) Third Place in Kurushetra Tournament.
3) First, Second, and Third position in First Pokhara CS Tournament.
4) First Place in 4th Amol Cyber Counter Strike 1.6 Tournament.
6) Second position in First MBush Tournament.
7) Third and Fourth position in mYktm Counter Strike tournament v2.0
If e gaming has the potentiality to be a professional sport what does it take to be a gamer?
mYktm team discussed a bit and answered unanimously in order of priority
1. Passion for the game
2. Practice
3. Patience
4. Determination
Arun Upreti is a aspiring writer, medical student, social activist and cricket enthusiast. He currently works as a news analyst in Cricnepal.
Nice article Arun! Good job :)
It's an absolute honor to contribute something for online gaming scenario in Nepal. A big thanx to View Your Choice for promoting Online Gaming in Nepal. And Yes, Online Gaming is not Gambling.
mYktm \m/ building e-gaming scenario in Nepal !
nice going guys keep it up..
Great reading :) Loved the post Arun, got to know more about the e-gaming in Nepal.
talking to mYktm( "Y" is the letter that is supposed to be capital, lot of people get that wrong ) team was fragging awesome!
always a pleasure to write about youths working for positive change!
Forever mYktm... :)
mYktm; "United Together For eGaming In Nepal"
So Very Glad To Be A Part Of It. :'D
mYktm | apu
Thank You! Thank You very very much to View Your Choice for promoting E-gaming in Nepal. This really good article.
A very well written article! :)
Kudos to mYktm and Arun Upreti as well!
What kind of profession are you talking about boy? The profession which yields 10000 per year at most. That too only for winner. if you have 100 teams then the probability drops to 1% ..If it gains popularity then the probability slims to 0.1 % even to reach under top 100.
lets say u won 10000 per month but at the cost of
1>your eyesight
2>your backbone ,knees ,elbow
3>wasting 90% of your time
4>becoming unsocial day by day
5>no girlfriend (if u have then no time)
6>most importantly you lose ur most precious time of learning
7>if you spend your 80% time on gaming for more than a year u may have realized , ur growth has completely stopped , ask your parents your friend the difference.
8>your mind will get dull day by day.
->tyo jiteko paisa le ta muji gu dhune toilet paper ni kinna pugdaina.
And u fool are comparing computer games to outdoor games.
->does computer games increases stamina
->does computer games makes u physically fit
->does computer games makes u feel happy (it irritates u ask ur mother about the difference since u started hard core gaming)
##you guys have certainly done excellent job by creating cs1.6 server in nepal .. but It is not what are you stating what really is
1>we used to online gaming many years ago when you not even existed.
2>we used to have cs1.6 tournaments in our college 4-5+ years ago
3>multiplayer games also were popular among the ones who have computers.
so please stop crying on these matters and stop making fun of yourselfs by barking professionalism in cs1.6 . You have created first nepali cs1.6 server and I appreciate on that.
and to everybody please do not take seriously on computer games . you may won some but will ultimately loose many things . so just use it to kill free time . not to kill you. ultimately you will have to switch to something else in future for your career .
*** gaming is not for career It is just for fun**** enjoy and take care
Ex-hardcore gamer
Don't hear the dickheads use ur brain.
Ka cricket Ka gaming you amateur half minded guy ..laugh ---laughs
@cs pidit
-trying to put light on the positive side of e-gaming beside its a field that will only move forward with technology and mYktm team is working in a awesome manner to organize that field.
I hope mYktm team have answers to your objections :)
Your attitude toward e-gaming is one of the major reasons why it needs better introduction( better than how you got it) and promotion
in its infant crawl e-gaming in Nepal has come very far(thanks organizations like mYktm and semi colon)!
Something that's quite analogous to your comment would be a statement that came a dad to 1950s kid something like "you cant earn enough from football(or cricket)!
Well the scenario has changed! there are gamers in real life(not yet in Nepal) who earn a lot of money(if that's what you really want) from gaming! Well cricketers in Nepal earned nothing at all just a year back!
And these guys do not spend 80% of their time on gaming! The gamers are normal college students and office workers, contrary to your belief they are normal people!
Prakash stated something in the Youth Interactive Series itself "people magnify the negative side of e-gaming so much(like you) that they often tend to forget that their is a positive side to it as well."
"and about the amateur half minded freak that comes at the end!" tell me that with your real identity(makes me believe that's what you actually mean and is not a expression of frustration)
1> I am sorry for the frustration for my first post . I shud have much more polite.
2>I am not saying 80 % of their time . I am saying 80% of their leisure time.
3> for Your question why hardcore gaming is bad In Nepal... ( I am saying Hardcore not a 2hrs/day gamer) and why I shud say that
a>From My experience as a senior player (not saying pro-est).
b>I am still Indulge in gaming (play everyday from 9pm-1am) after I reach home from my office at 8 pm.
c>This habit has vastly affected my health (severe back pain ,eye pain , dull mind full day at office yawning in computer.
d>I have not been able to learn new things and reach heights as I should have been (but also I have mantained my performance better than most).
e>jindagi ma kaile na niskek gastric le charam bindu ma cha.
f>severe knee pain.
4> I was a brilliant student (top 10 % of my batch)
5> I had one of the sharpest mind (u can guess that even with hardcore gaming everyday) .
6> prakash banjara (varkhar +2) ,madhav ,gaulochan ... yestai thuprai myktm kai senior player haru a day in a week matra dekha parchan ani guff chahi thulo hanchan.
7>list hera professional worldwide ex-gamer haru aajkal k gardai chan .
8> I don't say don;t play .. bbut pls take it as a hoobby not profession .. don't ruin ur career like I did .. just a suggestion ..
lastly , why shud i reveal my identity?.
*****computer games are hobby nor profession*** pls stop *** fooling people with the little knowlege u have and little life experience u have .. thats all.
@cs pidit!
that's more like it!!
well this issues about e gaming had to be raised and I am thankful that you did! :)
I am trying to focus on the positive side of e-gaming!
about taking e-gaming as a hobby; I once wrote about the future for young cricketers where I have pointed out to take cricket as a hobby as well! Its very tough to find a future in sports in Nepal :(
well 'CS pidit', I don't know why you are so much filled with frustration. I, may not be good, but am a GAMER and I am proud to say that I play games unlike your belief that gaming has so many negative impacts.
Well, the very first query of yours, what kind of profession is it which yields even less than 10K per year.
According to FIFA, the total prize in the first Football Worldcup in 2000 was US$28m. who had even thought, only ten years later, the total prize would increase by 15 times and reach US$ 420m ?
Well, what I actually mean by above statistics is the same thing will happen to E-gaming and E-sports if people think positively and don't tend to impede the speed.
Explanation to your points:
1> your eyesight
Its not only games that create problem to your eyesight, well there are more other options for you to protect your eyes rather than blaming gaming to be the biggest problem.
2) your backbone knees, elbow
you said you work in an office, you do works for many hours in your office which results in ache and pain in your body, and you only blame that pain to gaming? you do gain loads of pain and ache from your job, don't you?
3) wasting 90% of your time
well, I don't know how you stated that people spend 90% of their time on gaming. maybe, it might be right for you, but then it's only your assumption and its only what you believe. Other people DONT waste 90% of their time on gaming.It depends on one, how one manages time for gaming. It depends on you, how you prioritize things.
4) becoming unsocial day by day
You mean only gamers are making people unsocial? well you talk about me, I've been active with gaming, I am a social worker and an student. Well, you can't say everyone becomes unsocial. There are people who are not social even if they don't play games, so what about them? I meet people on game and I get to know more about them and I create FRIENDS online, while on game. The number of people who knew me before were too less than after I started gaming.
5) no girlfriend (if u have then no time)
again comes the thing I talked earlier, it depends on one, how one prioritizes things. If you think your girlfriend isn't worth you, you don't give care to her. and, may be you know, gamers are not always BOYS!!
6)most importantly you lose ur most precious time of learning
judging anything without having a clear knowledge about it is difficult. Students fail, and its not always gaming that is the reason why one loses most precious time of learning.
7)if you spend your 80% time on gaming for more than a year u may have realized , ur growth has completely stopped , ask your parents your friend the difference.
you talk about physical growth? after I started gaming, I've gained weight by 17 KGS.And you say about mental growth, I've learned many things that I cannot think about If I hadn't been a gamer.
8)your mind will get dull day by day.
I get to know about various people and things while on game. Moreover, I am able to decide promptly, say reflex. So, a gamer's mind is much more sharper than what you claim it to be.
And, we are not fools and we are neither comparing computer games to outdoor games.
well, your physical stamina isn't built, but then at the same time, your capability to decide and take prompt actions increases.
A physical state of a person's health can neither be decided by physical sports either. Even footballers get sick and have bad health conditions. The same is it.
Well, whose happiness do you care in your life? yours happiness or of someone else? I care of mine, and I do things that make me happy, and for me Gaming makes me happy unlike your thought.
Thank you for accepting that we have done excellent job by creating cs 1.6 servers in Nepal.
and we have never claimed that, before we started, no one played online games.
I too know that teams like Mystique, 7l, eXz did exist even before I started gaming and before we started our counter strike servers. I even know people who started gaming more than 12 years back.
multiplayer games were undeniably popular among those who had computers.
we aren't BARKING, but then we are actually making things practical and are doing things practically.
well, you say gaming should only be taken as hobby and not for career, then I say, same thing applies for ground sports too. in the initial phase of even those sports, people found it difficult to cope with it and people weren't confident enough to it take is as a profession. But now, see the market ground sports has got, its real big, and the same market shall be even of E-Gaming, one day in near future.
Thank you!
Reply to CS Pidit's 2nd post:-
In your second comment, you have shared your experience, but then what I found is, you didn't prioritized things well when in need. If one is not able to prioritize properly, surely they are going to regret later.
and one more thing, people at mYktm don't only speak, they do.. we haven't talked anything false, anything fake which we haven't performed or are unable to perform. and please come visit our online servers, you will find us online everyday... maybe our online coming timings never clash so that you don't see us online..
I think, you must have attended mYktm Counter Strike Tournament v2.0, you must have seen the courage of people at mYktm to dare to accept 32 teams and manage them. I remember a quote,"You don't have to be strong, You just have to feel strong.", that's what we did when we decided that we would take 32 teams in the tournament. And as per we promised, the tournament was the biggest tournament ever in the history of Nepal, in terms of teams participation and the cash prizes.
"6> prakash banjara (varkhar +2) ,madhav ,gaulochan ... yestai thuprai myktm kai senior player haru a day in a week matra dekha parchan ani guff chahi thulo hanchan."
well, for above quoted line: I am a bachelors student, madhab dai is a job holder + an student, gaulochan dada is in UK. We don't disappear all week long and be visible 1 day and talk things of no use. So, what i mean is, your claim is baseless and you have no strong evidence of us disappearing..
so, it depends, how you look at things and how positive are you about E-gaming and E-sports.
we are proud that we are promoting E-gaming in Nepal.
Thank you "Cs pidit",your comment compelled me to think once and analyze the situation of E-gaming!
A proud mYktmer
mYktm | RamBo
Guys, why are you all up CS PIDIT's nose? If he thinks its stupid to make a career out of it then fine. mYktm, in my opinion has done enough. Hmmm, I guess f0rest, GeT_RighT, Markeloff, and all these great players only have enough to wipe their butts. One question though, if they don't have enough money to eat, what do they shit out? Oh, wait, I'm being stupid. OF COURSE THEY HAVE ENOUGH MONEY. They are frigging celebrities.
My personal reply to cs pidit:
We believe in this thing dai. We see what its like... all the opportunities. What you win isn't everything you earn. You are pretty much covered by the sponsorship. Its true that for the for-see able future this task is close to impossible to complete. But there's still a chance. What if we can make it a platform that makes PLAYERS Celebs? There's endorsement money, other opportunities and all kinds of shit if you make the most of it.
Now you (I'm sorry if I sound rude, you being elder than me)can sit on ur butt and moan and whine about all this. Or you can support us. Coz that's what we want. And if a "Hardcore gamer" like you isn't willing to support us no matter how difficult our task is, then honestly, hardcore gamers around Nepal don't deserve to get this opportunity. But you wanna know what I think. I think you're just too damn pissed to come to grips with the fact that you didn't get that opportunity.
I see you are not that fond of Nepali people. The initiative "view your choice" is set to reflect everything positive that people in nepal are up to. There will be thing that are often too hard to believe
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